Moonland - way to Zanjan
At the time when most of European construction sector is paralyzed, Iran is building new apartment houses and even the whole new city districts. It is partly also due to Iranian micro economy, that is still thriving, whereas there are no supermarkets and big shopping malls, only family-run businesses and most of the necessity goods are made in bazaars in public.
Amir first said, that we could sleep in the common flat of the construction workers at the construction site, but after meeting the big boss and having a short conversations with him, they decided that presence of a woman (Kadri) can be distracting for the workers, so Amir arranged our overnighting at his friend's place.
For the most basic activities - sleeping and eating - there is no beter place than floor !
Asker and Sahra were such a nice coupple. Although, they did not speak any english and neither did we speak any farsi or azery turkish, there was still so much communication between us.
They were not the richest family, just having two rooms and corridor-kitchen, no tables, no chairs, no beds, but we felt another strong wave of unlimited Iranian hospitality, being at the same time treated like kings.
Next day little walk in Zanjan bazaar and city center and off we went to Rasht, at the Caspian Sea coast.
What are all these cats waiting for ?
...maybe a bit of this !
Wool coloring with natural pigments
Symbolic elements of Iranian strict regime - religion protected by army
1 comment:
Kui Gaša Equadorist tuli, siis teatas ta pidulikult, et tema ei reisi enam kunagi, praegu valmistub Venemaale Voronesi vahetusüliõpilaseks minema. Griša käib ringi ja tutvustab kõigile soodsaid lennukipileteid. Olgu siis tegemist puhkusega Sitsiilias või "huvireisiga" Amsderdami. Ise istun kodus ja tagumik hakkab vaikselt diivani kuju võtma, peab ütlema, et see on päris hea tunne. Vahel nagu kripeldaks peas midagi, aga see läheb üle. Reisimine on tugevatele. Mina olen selleks liiga laisk.
"Forster ütles, et mälestused ei lase tal magada. Mõne aja eest, kuulnud uudist, et tema kapten, suur ja sünge Cook, oli Hawaiil küpsetatud ja ära söödud. Forster hõõrus otsaesist ja põrnitses oma kingapandlaid. Küpsetatud ja ära söödud, kordas ta.
Humbolt vastas, et tedagi köidab mõte reisimisest.
Forster noogutas. Nii mõnigi soovib seda. ja kõik kahetsevad hiljem.
Sest tagasi pöörduda on võimatu."
Daniel Kehlmann
"Maailma mõõtmine"
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